8 Tips on how to manage our time effectively

Posted: July 18, 2011 in Business-related, Life in general, Time Management, Work Ethics
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1. Set goals.

Professionals are often faced with hitting targets and meeting deadlines. Accompli-shing these tasks will be difficult if the person lack the skill of time management. To be able to achieve loads of work in a very limited span of time, any professional must have a “task list” and use “calendar method” to monitor his use of time. We can write in a piece of paper our To Do’s list (or use application from phone, laptop or ipad). We may also use an alarm to remind us that by any specific time we should have accomplished specific task. 

2. Set priorities.

Yes, we have 24 hours a day but for sure, this is insufficient to accomplish everything we need to do. By setting our priorities according to importance and urgency, we will be able to know which task we will focus to.

The Eisenhower Method follows certain hierarchy that is the following:

 2.1. Important and urgent

2.2. Important but not so urgent

2.3. Not important and urgent

2.4. Not important but not so urgent

Also, following the Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Family and finances; work and chores; pastimes and socialising; and social obligations) will also guide us to set our priorities in life.

3. Organise.

There is wisdom in the saying, “Orderliness is next to godliness. Order is prerequisite of beauty, justice and success. Being organised makes things easier. Try to work in a cluttered desk and we will find it difficult to make our job done well.

4. Learn to say, “No”.

According to Tony Blair, “The art of leadership is saying, No. Not saying Yes. Since it is easier to say Yes most at the time.”

Choose commitment wisely. Avoid to over commit. Learning to say, “No” on things that are not important and not urgent will not only save our time but also allow us to do other valuable things, thus, produces more positive results.

5. Allocate task.

One of the qualities of good leaders is to be able to inspire people to work for them. We cannot be jack of all trades. We have specific talents, gifts, skills and experiences. To be able to produce quality output, distribute task to people who are more capable of giving out better results. Not only we are unloading ourselves of work but also we are teaching people to be dependable and contribute for the betterment of the project, thus, uplifting their moral to excel in other future tasks.

6. Avoid procrastination.

The biggest killer of time is procrastination. If we have something to do, do it now and not later. If we allow time to pass doing nothing we will end up doing everything.

7. Focus. Avoid interruptions, if possible.

Your colleague wants to show you her newly bought gadget but you have to finish writing your paper. Tell this person you have a deadline today. Only after finishing the task should you see the gadget and spend more time with her. Interruptions every now and then will eat your ample time so it is really necessary to prioritise and focus on things that matters most.

8. Give time to thyself: reward after every accomplished task.

It is refreshing to unwind and relax after successfully completed every task. It will not only recharge energy for the next project but also will give time for one selves. Remember, we don’t just manage time for our work, family and other people. Learning to understand self will teach us to mature. To reward self means to provide satisfaction by indulgence in rest, food, social life, etc. So next time, we may shop for a new dress, delight in a yoghurt drink or leave for vacation after a week of long and stressful days of work.

  1. Ganda nitong mga Tips na toh ………….. ..Galing

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